Entering retirement opens up a world of possibilities, where pursuing hobbies becomes an essential...
10 MORE Great Hobby Ideas for Older Adults

Hobbies are a fantastic way for older adults to keep their minds and bodies active while also providing a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment. Engaging in hobbies can help to reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and promote overall mental and physical health. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of 10 more great hobby ideas for older adults to consider.
Whether you're looking to explore a new interest or rediscover an old one, there's something on this list for everyone. From creative pursuits like painting and writing to more physical activities like gardening and hiking, these hobbies are sure to inspire and motivate you to continue learning and growing. So without further ado, let's dive into some fantastic hobby ideas that can help you stay active and engaged in your golden years.
This is Part 2 - to read the first 22 ideas - click here!
Great Hobby Ideas for Older Adults
Start A Collection
An excellent idea for an older person would be starting a collection such as coins, stamps, knives, or even figurines. Some other popular collectibles include rare books, sports memorabilia, bottle caps, seashells, watches, jewelry, rocks, postcards, stickers, belt buckles, autographs, fishing lures, puzzles, or anything else you're interested in! These items might even add value over time, so you may have some nice investments on your hands while doing something you enjoy! Not only that but you would be able to learn so much about different cultures when you start a collection. This hobby can keep you busy traveling, exploring nature, checking out new shops, or even keep you connected with friends who want to help contribute to your collection.
Knitting / Crocheting:
Knitting and crocheting are two skills that have been around forever! They can take years to master, but plenty of resources are available online if you want to get started. You'll find yourself sitting down on the couch with all sorts of yarns, trying out different things like scarves, hats, or even home decor like pillows! It's also great because knitting can occupy one hand while watching TV with another - talk about multi-tasking! These hobbies are both enjoyable and productive, as you'll end up with lots of great items to use, sell, or share as gifts! Click here to learn more about the mental and physical benefits of knitting!
Photography is another easy hobby to start and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It doesn't take much equipment. You need a camera and a computer. Then, you'll need somewhere to upload your photos and share them with friends on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram! Photography also gives you a great reason to get out in nature, explore a new city, or even get together with friends. If you want to extend your hobby, you can practice other skills like photo editing!
A fun way to keep your mind sharp is to do puzzles! You can buy printed puzzle books or high-quality jigsaw puzzles. They make them for every level of skill, so you'll be able to try something new. It's also a fantastic thing to do with friends and family! Try puzzle games online today!
Home Remodeling
This is something that can be fun and very valuable for an older adult. It can become a real passion, and you'll find yourself thinking about all the different ways to make your home more enjoyable. Start by researching what's available. For example, if your goal is to make the home safer and more accessible, there are many awesome things like grab bars, raised toilet seats, or, even better - devices that help you get in and out of bed! The best part? Home remodeling doesn't have to break the bank either - it just takes patience, creativity, and ingenuity. As you grow older, you want convenience and comfort in life so you can remodel your home to create a better, safer, and convenient environment for yourself.
Are you interested in age-proofing your home? Check out these related posts: -
A great way to give back is by tutoring your local school kids. You can help them with their homework or even act as a role model for the younger generation. You'll find that they will be so thankful, and it's also fun learning new things about math, science, or English! This would be especially nice if you have had experience in one of those areas before - all while sharing your knowledge on the subject! In today's world, you can even do this from the comfort of your own home if you'd prefer to try online tutoring!
If you're not the tutoring type, maybe mentorship is for you. It's a way of sharing your life experience with someone who may be younger than you. This can take place in different forms, like coaching or providing professional guidance! You'll find that it gives back to both parties and creates a meaningful relationship where both people learn from each other, which makes it unique.
If you're a pro at something or have an important message to share, then podcasting is for you! You'll need a recording interface, and the rest can easily be learned online. This would be great if you want to teach others about your knowledge of specific aspects of life, whether music, business, technology, etc. Best of all, you can do it from anywhere in the world!
Check out this article from The Podcast Host if you're interested in learning where to start.
Visiting Museums
Museums are a great way to spend the day! You'll learn about all sorts of things, from history to art. It's also really nice because you can learn so much, whether for a project or just out of curiosity. This would be especially fun if you want to spend some time with friends and family on the weekend. Many museums frequently change their exhibits, so you can go back time and again, always discovering new things.
If you're into saving money, then couponing is for you. You'll find that there are so many great deals out there, and it has only become easier to use coupons via apps on your phone. It's a fun way of learning about all the different brands - especially if you have children or grandchildren! This would be very beneficial because it could also save you hundreds or even thousands per year which can be put towards other things like vacations, home decorating, etc. Want to read more about ways to save money? Try our post - 7 Tips to Find the Best Online Holiday Shopping Deals!
They say that a hobby is something you do just for fun and relaxation. However, if you're an older adult - having a passion can be very fulfilling. It's where we connect to the world around us, and it helps shape who we are as individuals. So find your hobbies by looking at what you already enjoy doing in life!
Don't forget to check out Part 1 of this series - 22 New Hobby Ideas for Your Retirement!
Let us know in the comments below - What is your favorite retirement hobby?