There is no one-trick-solves-all or guaranteed way out when it comes to solving Sudoku puzzles. You...
Benefits of Sudoku Puzzles for the Brain

Have you come across Sudoku puzzles in newspapers or the internet and tried solving them? Or do you ignore and flip the pages? Well, there are a lot more benefits to trying to solve them than you have likely imagined. For instance, they are good exercises for the brain because they keep you entertained and, at the same, improve your thinking capacity.
Research has shown that a population of older adults who enjoy playing Sudoku has a mental ability equivalent to that of an almost ten-year-old younger generation. The benefits are so vast, and practicing the puzzles can help you with overall mental health. In this article, we will look at the benefits and tips of playing Sudoku.
Reasons to Practice Sudoku Puzzles
Anyone Can Do It
There are no background requirements or mathematical expertise needed to play this game. With practice, you can be better at completing Sudoku puzzles than anyone older or experienced in some mathematical background. You can be sure to sharpen your wits and perhaps help your mind to perform quicker and feel younger. All you need is a little bit of motivation, a puzzle, and a pencil (or you can play online).
Sudoku Stimulates Your Brain to Stay Vigilant
Having an active and engaged mind can help you remain sharp because you are frequently used to brainstorming and problem-solving. Your brain cells thrive when you are engaged and active. The results are tremendous for older adults who can see puzzles through to completion and get the right answers. You might notice your mind is functioning more like its younger self if you stay focused on these mind games. You remain assertive, the possibility of reasoning can be improved immensely, and the risks of dementia are reduced.
Sudoku Balances Brain Activities
The healthiest state of mind is to remain active for extended periods of time. A balance between the brain's cognitive ability and imagination is vital in solving problems and finding solutions. Sudoku puzzles are useful for older adults because they are capable of boosting the mind's thinking capacity. Do you find yourself forgetting things like the PIN number to your debit cards, or where you left the keys? Exercising the brain with games like Sudoku will help you to train to fill in blanks, work through methodology, and keep the mind active and working for you.
The Bottom Line
Playing puzzles is essential for the overall development and maintenance of the brain. It is critical to exercise and challenge your mind, especially as you age. You cannot act lazy and neglect to stimulate or exercise your neurological cells. Look for something involving, and you may begin to see increased sharpness in your reasoning. It is worth noting that the validity of increasing cognition is still under study. It cannot be guaranteed that being a puzzle fanatic will restore or optimize your mind. It should, however, add the value of improved thinking.
Are you inspired to do more puzzles? Check out Living50+'s games page to play all types of free games and puzzles, including Sudoku! Best of luck!
Need some tips on how to get started? Check out our recent blog, 3 Tips to Solve a Sudoku Puzzle!