As fall arrives and students return to school, it might seem difficult to spend as much time with...
The Best Outdoor Fall Activities for Older Adults

As the days shorten and the weather cools, there are limited days to enjoy the great fall weather and beautiful sites before winter arrives. There are many fun ways to get outside and enjoy some fall activities on your own or with your family, and the fresh air is sure to boost your mood and help improve your sleep as well. Read on to discover our recommendations for the best reasons to get outside and enjoy the season!
Great Outdoor Activities for This Autumn
Go For a Walk or Hike
As Halloween or fall decorations go up and the leaves change colors, this could be as easy as walking around your neighborhood to look at the houses and parks. Check out any storefronts, and enjoy the process of change occurring. Many communities also have areas of trees and trails that are close to parking lots and well-populated, so there is someone close if anyone twists an ankle, but it can feel quiet and secluded. Hiking trails are often rated from easy to hard, allowing you to pick the easy trails while getting the exercise you need and having some fun as well.
If you choose to go hiking, it is important to ensure that you are dressed for the weather and wearing appropriate footwear. Ensure that you have hiking shoes or boots or running shoes with good support to avoid falls and sore feet. Perhaps even consider using a walking stick, which can help to maintain balance over rough terrain. Dress in thin layers so that you can remove layers if you become too hot and put them back on if you begin to get cold. Go in the afternoon when the sun is at its highest, and it will be warmest outside.
Go to Pumpkin Patches and Orchards
Pumpkin patches are at their peak in the fall, and the colors are bright and joyful. The crunch of the leaves, the growing pumpkins, and the changing colors are all wonderful ways to spend time outside this autumn. Some pumpkin patches will even have hayrides or sleigh rides when the snow starts to fall. A haunted house may be nearby, offering an afternoon out in the crisp air, doing all the things that create the feelings of the season.
If you happen to live near an apple orchard, there may be days you can pick your own apples right from the tree and take them home to bake or enjoy raw. They may even taste better after getting them yourself and are great for sharing with neighbors and friends.
Gather some friends and do your pumpkin carving all together on the driveway for an enjoyable day outside. Then, display them outside to share the holiday fun with your neighbors and those who pass by.
Get Lost in a Corn Maze
One of the most popular fall activities for people of all ages is to find their way through a corn maze. Most cities will have one just outside the city limits. Many have a children's maze and an adults' maze to include everyone. This can be a great activity to attend with a group of friends or with your family.
Winterize Your Garden
Every year, there needs to be a preparation for yards and gardens to help them survive the winter. Pull the last of the weeds, trim back dead branches on trees and bushes, and sweep any walkways or paths. Fall is also the ideal time to plant the bulbs that you wish to see grow next year. Also, clear out any vegetable garden you have grown before the frost ruins the vegetables you have grown. While some will till the soil in the spring, it can also be done with leaves or compost in the fall to prepare it for winter.
As you are preparing your garden, you can also do some basic house care. Ensure the eaves are ready for winter and that the garden hoses and sump pump hoses have been removed and taken into a garage or shed. This prevents any remaining water from freezing and cracking the hoses or breaking the waterspout, which can lead to dangerous ice patches or even flooding inside the home. Check that outdoor lights are working and put away any garden decorations that can be damaged by the freeze-and-thaw cycle.
Do What You Love
Take your favorite activity outside with a warm drink and a blanket. You can read outside and watch the leaves fall or hear the birds sing as they prepare for the cold. You can craft outside, play an instrument, or listen to your favorite audiobook or podcast. If you love cooking, it's a great time to check out the local farmers market and pick up some fresh fall produce. Sometimes just sitting in the sun doing something that you love to do is the best way to boost your mood, improve your sleep, and provide some quiet time to recharge and prepare for what's to come next. Traditionally, fall is a season of preparation when people and animals alike prepare their homes and minds for the season to come. Watching this process can provide a sense of connection and belonging in the world.
Let us know in the comments below - What is your favorite outdoor activity in the fall?