The world of fitness is filled with many movements and exercises that benefit different groups of...
Calisthenics Workouts for Beginners: Getting Started
Calisthenics Workouts for Beginners:
The following workouts can be performed 3-4 times a week, taking 30-60 minutes each time.
Squats are great for strengthening your hips and calves. They also improve your cardio and burn calories. You can perform squats on your own or with a resistance band.
Pull-ups build grip strength and endurance in your arms and shoulders. Make sure to grip the pull-up bar tightly to avoid straining your muscles.
Chin-ups are similar to pull-ups but with an underhand grip. They are great for posture and targeting your biceps.
Straight Leg Raises
Lie on your back, bring your legs to the highest position, and slowly lower them back down. You can also bend your legs for an added challenge to your thigh muscles.
Resistance Band Leg Extension
This exercise strengthens your leg quadriceps. As you extend your leg against the resistance band, it shapes your leg muscles.
Clamshell with Resistance Band
Clamshells are important for loosening your hip rotators and improving flexibility.
Push-ups are a great way to build upper body strength. You can perform simple push-ups or knee push-ups. Not only does it help your joints but it also helps increase your mobility.
One-Arm Pull-Ups
Once you've mastered regular pull-ups, try one-arm pull-ups to improve balance and overall body strength.
Jump Rope
Jumping rope improves athletic performance, cardio, and bone density.
Why is Calisthenics Important for Beginners?
Whole-Body Workout
Calisthenics is not just focused on a few parts of your body, but it has a positive impact on every muscle.
No Muscle Strain
Muscle strain is a common issue for many people, but calisthenics can help ease strained muscles. These workouts are specifically designed for beginners to prevent injury.
Improves Stamina
Calisthenics can increase your stamina, allowing you to perform the workout for longer periods. Even if your stamina is not at its best, it can be improved through this type of exercise. Additionally, your metabolism and cardiovascular fitness will also improve.
Beneficial for Cardiovascular Fitness
Improved cardiovascular fitness means better overall health and fitness. Your workout efficiency will also increase with regular calisthenics.
It is recommended to perform calisthenics 3 to 4 times a week for optimal results.