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5 Reasons To Embark on a Motorcycle Trip in Retirement
Motorcycling after retirement is becoming increasingly popular. The Bureau of Transportation reports that there has been a shift towards older motorcycle owners, with the median age of motorcyclists increasing from 27 to over 40 years old since 2003.
These statistics suggest that motorcycle enthusiasts often wait until they retire before exploring exciting destinations or going on a once-in-a-lifetime motorcycle camping trip to a scenic national park.
It is said that our priorities shift with age. In our second or third decade, we're often focused on getting pay raises and promotions, and we may restrict or cut out all vacation time from our lives. As we grow older, our focus shifts to having enriching life experiences, collecting memories, and improving the quality of life.
If you have a motorcycle in your garage that you've never had time to ride on freeways, different terrains, and scenic motorcycle roads, your retirement is the perfect opportunity to fulfill your dream trip.
This article focuses on five benefits that will convince you to take up motorcycling as a lifestyle after retirement.
5 Reasons to Motorcycle in Retirement
1. Improves Physical & Mental Health
It is no secret that our mental and physical abilities decline with age. However, some recreational activities can delay this process, and motorcycling is one of them. Motorcycling is not only enjoyable, but it's also a great recreational activity that keeps your mind and reflexes sharp, helps you stay active, and improves your balance, strength, and stamina, preventing them from declining due to age.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, people should learn new things and engage in activities that engage more senses. When riding a motorcycle, you're aware of your surroundings, including the scenic views, proximity of other vehicles, and important road signs. You can hear different sounds, such as the purr of the engine, the noise of the exhaust, the whooshing sound of the wind, the sound of other vehicles passing by, etc. You also have to be alert on the road and be able to apply the brakes immediately in emergency situations, making motorcycling a stimulating experience.
2. A Chance to Socialize
Our World in Data statistics show that our social connections change constantly. As we age, we tend to spend more time alone, especially after retirement. When working, we spend most of our time with coworkers, but after retirement, this changes. Motorcycling provides an opportunity to socialize and make new friends who share the same interests and passions.
After retirement, we may find ourselves either with a partner or alone. The American Public Health Association states that socializing can improve our mental health, mood, memory, and cognitive skills. This is important, as loneliness in old age can lead to depression, poor mental health, and loss of cognitive abilities and memory.
Motorcycling provides many opportunities for socialization. One can join different motorcycle clubs, go on guided tours offered by rental services, or meet new people while stopping at local diners and bars on a cross-country motorcycle trip. Planning a motorcycle camping trip with friends and reserving a campsite at a national park can help improve social connections and alleviate anxiety and depression.
3. Budget-Friendly
In terms of budget, motorcycles are more fuel-efficient and cost-effective than other modes of transportation. Accommodation is the main expense, but one can save money by staying at campgrounds instead of hotels. Towing a mini trailer with a motorcycle to the nearest campground is a convenient option, providing a comfortable sleeping space and protection from bad weather.
For those who don't own a motorcycle, rental services are available, and the rates are reasonable during off-peak seasons. The rental service also provides road assistance, so you won't have to worry about being stranded on the road.
4. Minimal Planning Required
Thanks to technology and social media, planning a motorcycle trip requires minimal effort. Applications like Google Maps and Airbnb can help you find hotels, campgrounds, gas stations, supermarkets, restaurants, and tourist attractions. Over-planning can be a hindrance, but with the freedom to change your plans as you go, you can better enjoy your trip.
5. A Beneficial Hobby
For those who have always wanted to ride a motorcycle, retirement is a great time to take up this hobby. Many states in America offer test waivers for those who complete a state-approved motorcycle training course. This is a good investment, as it will help you learn to ride safely and open up new experiences and opportunities.
In conclusion, motorcycling is a great recreational activity for retirees. It offers freedom, adventure, and socialization opportunities. So, add it to your bucket list and enjoy the benefits of this exciting hobby.
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