Driving is one of the most popular characteristics of independence. It's a symbol of becoming...
6 Tips To Embrace Life Changes
In a world that is constantly evolving, it is no wonder that we crave stability and predictability...
10 Tips to Help Prevent Loss of Independence
As we age, it's common to experience a loss of independence. Everyday tasks that were once easy can...
10 Benefits of Listening to Music for the Aging Brain
Music has long been recognized for its ability to provide emotional and psychological benefits, but...
How To Manage the Frustrations of Aging
Aging is an inherently frustrating process. Changes in our physical appearances and abilities can...
10 Tips to Maintain Healthy Age-Proof Hair
As we age, the reproduction and repair of cells slow. As a result, we often experience slower...
Age-Proof Your Mouth With These Healthy Teeth Tips
As the body ages, we find that many of the systems that have carried us through life begin to show...
Top 6 Ways to Stay Healthy as You Age
We’d love to share with you six pillars of health that date back thousands of years and come from...
The Opportunity Generation: The Emergence of the Longevity Economy
If you are age 50 or older, Joseph Coughlin, founder and director of the Massachusetts Institute of...