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The #1 Best Way to Address Plantar Fasciitis

We don’t realize how important our feet are until they start to cause us problems. Pain on the soles of the feet can make wearing shoes and walking challenging. It destroys our motivation to get active and go out for that walk to take in the beauty of the outdoors. Staying active is paramount to staying healthy as we age. Don’t let foot pain become the reason you are not out there walking, jogging, hiking, and having fun!
An all too common cause of chronic foot pain is Plantar Fasciitis. This is a painful condition that presents as pain in the soles of the feet. The plantar (fascia on the sole(s) of the feet) becomes inflamed and pulled tight up the legs from the center of the back body. It prevents the natural cushioning action of the feet to work properly. The pain can be mild to quite severe.
Typical treatments include rolling your feet over a tennis ball, taping your heels, or wearing orthotics. Unfortunately, these treatments very often only provide short-term relief, and then the symptoms return again.
Why not consider a long-term solution that solves the problem of Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is a common diagnosis for a much bigger problem in the body. We make a mistake because we look at the body in parts and only treat the parts that hurt. The fact is, human beings can walk and move because of systems or chains of muscles that work in coordination.
When investigating the root cause of Plantar Fascitis, you need to address the compilation of muscles that we refer to as your “Back Line”. These are the muscles on the backside of your body from your feet to the base of your skull. Suppose this chain of muscles is held in a chronically shortened pattern. In that case, you need to find a way to release them, which will relieve your painful Plantar Fascitis.
The long-term solution is to regain full control of the contraction and release of the Green Light (back line) muscles of your body. This way, you can restore the function of your back line all the way down to your feet.
When you feel new length in your back line (extensor) muscles, everyday movements such as walking, forward folding to load the dishwasher, or tying your shoe will feel much more comfortable.
A simple exercise routine adopting a Somatic approach can offer huge gains. Try out the Arch & Flatten exercise. Done daily or several times a day, you will begin to feel the tension melt out of your body, walking will begin to feel more comfortable, and your foot pain will start to let up.
About the Author:Carrie and Nicole are certified IAYT SomaYoga Therapists and Somatics Educators who have specialized in working with clients in pain for well over 10 years. Their mission is to teach you revolutionary techniques to tap into your body’s innate intelligence and its ability to heal.
You could also call them “pain geeks” because they are extremely passionate and inquisitive about all things related to what causes people pain. To understand the true mind-body connection and to reset the nervous system in powerful and simple ways.
They specialize in skillfully combining the tools of Somatics, SomaYoga, Anatomy, Functional Movement Training, Mind Study and Yogic Philosophy to bring about more joy and freedom in the lives of those they work with. They teach to professionals and individuals sharing their Method.
Learn more and get in touch with Carrie and Nicole at the Resolve Pain Guru website: